The Daily Affirmation Handbook


A Comprehensive Guide for Attracting Health, Wealth, and Happiness Into Your Life. Discover the powerful affirmations that you can use to manifest your desires and live the life you’ve always wanted. Best-selling author and radio host, Earl Nightingale stated in his book The Strangest Secret that you are what you think.



Now You Can Get Instant Access To a 10-Part Training Series To Help You Get Ahead Even More. Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home! 365 Affirmations For Attracting Health, Wealth, and Happiness Into Your Life.

Unfortunately, thanks to the media and the constant flow of information on social media, as well as our limiting beliefs most people today have a negative mindset that is keeping them from manifesting their desires and living the life of their dreams. Fortunately, our minds are incredibly powerful and capable of changing.

Finally! A Comprehensive Guide for Attracting Health, Wealth, and Happiness Into Your Life. Discover the powerful affirmations that you can use to manifest your desires and live the life you’ve always wanted. Best-selling author and radio host, Earl Nightingale stated in his book The Strangest Secret that you are what you think.

He believed that if you only feed your mind with negative thoughts that you will ultimately experience your life through a dark lens and if you only think negative thoughts and have negative beliefs, you will solely focus your mind on all the problems in your life rather than the opportunities before you.

Within this package you will find the following modules:

1 – Videos
2 – Ebook
3 – Checklist
4 – Resource Cheat Sheet
5 – Mindmap